Change is driven by many factors like technology, religion, nations, education and environment.
We believe in change for the better relying on traditional values to sustain education and intercultural collaboration to bring harmony and peace to the eurasian region.
Therefor we are focusing on improving the business and economic climate in the Eurasian continent and developing an economic partnership among the Eurasian business communities to achieve effective and mutually beneficial results.
To prepare our youth for the future, we are supporting projects and inititatives in the areas of sport, culture, education, science.
We can change the world and make it a better place. It is in your hands to make a difference.
Economy & Business
Development of proposals for improving the business and economic climate in the Eurasian continent and developing an economic partnership between Eurasian business communities to achieve effective, mutually beneficial results.
Support of public and governmental organizations in projects to preserve the Eurasian continent in its diversity of natural, spiritual, cultural and historical heritage and to create safe and comfortable living conditions.
Youth Promotion
The promotion of youth in exchanges between young people in the areas of sport, culture, education, science and business without a commercial purpose, information exchange, support for joint activities or projects.
People Initiatives
Support for public initiatives to maintain peace and harmony, to strengthen friendship and interethnic neighborhood. Unleashing the potential of every person who wants to make their own creative contribution to the development of Eurasia.